State Fishing Records
South Dakota State Fishing Records

South Dakota State Fishing Records

Record Status Species Date Location Weight Name Method Category
Current Record Chinook Salmon 10/23/2021 Lake Oahe 17lb 7oz Kyle Manning Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Smallmouth Bass 9/17/2021 Francis Case 7lb 6oz Clint Wood Silver Spinner Unrestricted
Current Record Smallmouth Bass 7/16/2021 Lake Oahe 7lb 4oz Troy Diede Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Burbot 5/28/2021 Lake Sharpe 3lb 6oz Dennis Stout Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Walleye 2/16/2021 Lake Oahe 14lb 15oz Derek Stahlman Dark House Spearing Unrestricted
Current Record Bighead Carp 9/9/2020 James River 57lb 1oz Bob Smith Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Black Crappie 8/16/2020 Lake Oahe 1lb 4oz Weston Northrup Underwater Spearing Unrestricted
Current Record Atlantic Salmon 6/14/2020 Lake Oahe 6lb 11oz Casey Buechler Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Atlantic Salmon 6/5/2020 Lake Oahe 3lb 14oz Alex Raber Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Walleye 5/29/2020 Lake Thompson 5lb 6oz Josh Constant Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Common Carp 5/27/2020 Cattail Lake 49lb 11oz Tyson Warner Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record River Carpsucker 5/2/2020 White River 8lb 3oz Adam Koch Unrestricted Unrestricted
Current Reords Largemouth Bass 4/27/2020 Indian Scout Lake 9lb 5oz Matthew Dunham Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Atlantic Salmon 3/21/2020 Lake Oahe 3lb 4oz Daniel Griese Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Atlantic Salmon 2/29/2020 Lake Oahe 2lb 0oz James Gilkerson Darkhouse Spearing Unrestricted
Past Record Atlantic Salmon 1/4/2020 Lake Oahe 3lb 1oz Kerry Konold Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Channel Catfish 7/14/2019 Farm Pond 30lb 1oz Drew Mathews Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record European Rudd 6/25/2019 Sheridan Lake 2lb 9oz Robert C. Wood Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Paddlefish 6/14/2019 Missouri River 56lb 9oz Marlyn Wiebelhaus Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Channel Catfish 6/10/2019 Lake Sharpe 21lb 2oz Aryan & Jameson Tracy Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Channel Catfish 6/9/2019 Skunk Creek 24lb 12oz Cody Sechser & Isaac Kipp Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Channel Catfish 6/7/2019 Lake Poinsett 20lb 11oz Loren Lunning Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Silver Carp 6/5/2019 James River 22lb 14oz Ty Smith Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Channel Catfish 6/1/2019 Big Sioux River 20lb 4oz James R. Fitzler Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Channel Catfish 5/31/2019 Big Sioux River 19lb 0oz Tron Glaser Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Channel Catfish 5/29/2019 Vermillion River 15lb 4oz Russell Hirschman Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Channel Catfish 5/28/2019 Vermillion River 11lb 12oz Jess Paulsen Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Channel Catfish 5/22/2019 Pontoon Creek 11lb 1oz Chase Hansen Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Channel Catfish 5/20/2019 Whitlock Bay 8lb 3oz Chuck Ewald Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Atlantic Salmon 5/5/2019 Lake Oahe 2lb 11oz Dale Fallon Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Atlantic Salmon 4/15/2019 Lake Oahe 2lb 10oz Roger Easland Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Burbot 3/11/2019 Oahe 12lb 7oz Joshua Bible Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Channel Catfish 8/6/2018 Coldbrook 23lb 12oz Seth Hawkins Spearing Unrestricted
Current Record Shortnose Gar 5/6/2018 James River 9lb 2oz Mason Sundleaf Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Chinook Salmon 10/25/2017 Lake Oahe 22lb 3oz Oakley Kamppinen Snagged Unrestricted
Current Record Common Carp 4/22/2017 Lake Poinsett 43lb 2oz Kurt Gutormson Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Chinook Salmon 10/27/2016 Oahe 17lb 6oz Darren Griese Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Smallmouth Bass 8/6/2016 Lake Francis Case 6lb 1oz Alex Portice Underwater Spearing Unrestricted
Current Record Chinook Salmon 7/29/2016 Lake Oahe 31lb 8oz Darrick Koch Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Smallmouth Bass 7/24/2016 Oahe 5lb 9oz Francis Ramm Spearing Unrestricted
Current Record European Rudd 6/23/2016 Interstate Lake 1lb 8oz Russ Oetken Underwater Spearing Unrestricted
Current Record Longnose Gar 6/3/2016 James River 24lb 2oz Riley Stanga Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Longnose Gar 5/30/2016 James River 23lb 14oz Hunter Rockne Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Smallmouth Buffalo 5/5/2016 Firesteel Creek 51lb 3oz Tyler Manning Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Smallmouth Bass 4/23/2016 Horseshoe Lake 7lb 3oz Lyal Held Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Smallmouth Bass 10/9/2015 Oahe 5lb 4oz Chad Johnson Spearing Unrestricted
Past Record Smallmouth Bass 8/15/2015 Oahe 4lb 9oz Daniel Stalder Spearing Unrestricted
Past Record Chinook Salmon 8/14/2015 Oahe 24lb 8oz Gordon Sampson Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record River Carpsucker 6/17/2015 Lake Sharpe 8lb 0oz Wylin Baker Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Yellow Perch 3/7/2015 Bitter Lake 2lb 13oz Chase Jensen Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Tiger Trout 12/29/2014 Center Lake 3lb 2oz Michael J. Halter Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Smallmouth Bass 9/13/2014 Oahe 4lb 3oz Kent Holtmeyer Spearing Unrestricted
Past Record Common Carp 8/14/2014 Poinsett 42lb 0oz Larry Ishol Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Longnose Gar 6/20/2014 James River 20lb 0oz David Hoogendoorn Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Bigmouth Buffalo 6/5/2014 Lake Oahe 60lb 0oz Hunter Gill Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Paddlefish 5/17/2014 Lake Francis Case 127lb 9oz Bill Harmon Snagged Unrestricted
Past Record Common Carp 4/25/2014 Rush Lake 39lb 13oz Steven D. Roraff Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Smallmouth Bass 10/26/2013 Horseshoe Lake 7lb 0oz Derek Valmes Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Shortnose Gar 9/3/2013 James River 8lb 13oz Ty Smith Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record European Rudd 6/8/2013 Jones Co Stock Dam 2lb 7oz Lyle Wayne Mednansky Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Common Carp 6/2/2013 Lake Albert 48lb 3oz Ty Smith Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Longnose Gar 5/23/2013 James River 19lb 4oz Tyler Manning Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record White Sucker 5/17/2013 Rush Lake 6lb 6oz Owen Heim Snagged Unrestricted
Past Record Smallmouth Buffalo 5/14/2013 Mitchell 50lb 15oz Michael Miller Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Lake Trout 1/23/2013 Pactola Reservoir 30lb 0oz Aaron Jones Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Blue Catfish 7/21/2012 Big Sioux River 99lb 4oz Steve Lemmon Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Channel Catfish 5/20/2012 Lake Poinsett 23lb 10oz Marcus Goodfellow Snagged Unrestricted
Past Record Tiger Trout 4/24/2012 Center 1lb 2oz Tom Reeve Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Common Carp 4/21/2012 Waubay 37lb 7oz Stephen R. Wood Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record White Sucker 4/11/2012 Rush Lake 9lb 5oz Domanic Heim Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record White Sucker 4/25/2011 Little Sioux River 5lb 15oz Art Berger Jr. Spearing Unrestricted
Current Record White Bass 4/12/2011 North Rush Lake 4lb 12oz Steve Kennedy Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Walleye 10/16/2010 Lake Oahe 14lb 4oz Thomas Redlin Underwater Spearing Unrestricted
Current Record Freshwater Drum 9/19/2010 James River 23lb 3oz Ty Smith Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Black Crappie 8/2/2010 Lake Oahe 0lb 1oz Caleb Gilkerson Underwater Spearing Unrestricted
Current Record Splake 5/20/2010 Deerfield Lake 11lb 14oz Bob Swift Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Brook Trout 5/1/2010 Deerfield Lake 12lb 0oz Dennis Larive Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record White Sucker 3/28/2010 Poinsett 6lb 8oz Eric Weeman Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Bluegill 9/13/2009 Lake Oahe 0lb 8oz Jeff Vilhauer Underwater Spearing Unrestricted
Past Record Bluegill 8/23/2009 Oahe 0lb 6oz Andy Vandel Spearing Unrestricted
Past Record European Rudd 8/16/2009 Sheridan 0lb 11oz Ed Adams Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Bluegill 7/20/2009 Oahe 0lb 4oz Tyler Arbach Underwater Spearing Unrestricted
Current Record Skipjack Herring 7/11/2009 Gavins Point 1lb 2oz Josh Dornbusch Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record European Rudd 7/2/2009 0lb 3oz Brian Korman Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Black Bullhead 5/31/2009 Lake Poinsett 4lb 12oz Adam Arendsee Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Silver Carp 5/23/2009 James River 22lb 10oz Marlyn Wiebelhaus Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Grass Carp 5/22/2009 Lake Yankton 61lb 12oz Marlyn Wiebelhaus Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Lake Trout 5/17/2009 Pactola Reservoir 28lb 5oz Steve Matheny Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Hybrid Bass 5/11/2009 Missouri River 14lb 0oz Matt Sarha Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Common Carp 5/8/2009 Poinsett 42lb 6oz Bryan Dykstra Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record White Sucker 4/3/2009 Poinsett 5lb 12oz Andrew Ahrens Snagged Unrestricted
Current Record Bighead Carp 10/26/2008 Missouri River 58lb 8oz Wesley Koehler Snagged Unrestricted
Past Record Bighead Carp 8/21/2008 Missouri River 49lb 8oz Marlyn Wiebelhaus Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Smallmouth Bass 4/27/2008 Poinsett 6lb 9oz Darin Laue Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Brook Trout 12/30/2006 Deerfield Lake 11lb 3oz Ryan Rempfer Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Yellow Bullhead 9/3/2006 West 81 Lake 3lb 3oz Joseph M. Herrig Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Flathead Catfish 6/18/2006 James River 63lb 8oz Davin Holland Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Bigmouth Buffalo 6/7/2006 Mitchell 44lb 12oz Marlyn Wiebelhaus Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Yellow Bullhead 5/20/2006 2lb 12oz Shawn S. Johnson Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Gizzard Shad 5/18/2006 Lake Yankton 5lb 0oz Marlyn Wiebelhaus Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record White Bass 5/8/2006 Blue Dog 4lb 10oz Coy Nelson Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Gizzard Shad 1/14/2006 Lake Oahe 4lb 12oz Brad Dietz Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Bigmouth Buffalo 5/19/2005 Mitchell 47lb 0oz Dan Sehr Bowfishing Bowfishing
Current Record Green Sunfish 5/7/2005 Minnehaha Co. Stock Pond 1lb 5oz Alex Meland Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Splake 4/22/2005 Deerfield Lake 10lb 13oz Dennis Larive Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Black Bullhead 6/28/2004 Reid 4lb 0oz Greg Rahm Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record White Sucker 6/20/2004 Missouri River 4lb 8oz Marlyn Wiebelhaus Bowfishing Bowfishing
Past Record Brook Trout 6/2/2004 Deerfield Lake 9lb 3oz Jeremiah Harmon Hook and Line Hook and Line
Past Record Flathead Catfish 6/2/2004 James River 60lb 8oz Roger Adam Hook and Line Hook and Line
Current Record Black Crappie 5/27/2004 SDSU pond 3lb 8oz Benjamin Wight Hook and Line Hook and Line

More State Fishing Records
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming